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(10) Registration Number and Date
(180) Expiration Date
(20) Filing Number and Date
PH 12014000380
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(86) PCT Filing Number and Date
(87) PCT Publication Number and Date
(85) National Entry Date
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(54) Title
(57) Abstract
(58) Citations
Cited DocumentsReferencesCategoryClaimsCitation Type
2.0IKHWANUDDIN, M. et al. “Effect of Indian almond, Terminalia catappa leaves water extract on the survival rate and growth performance of black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon post larvae”. AACL Bioflux, 2014, Volume 7, Issue 2. 15 April 2014 A 1-4Patent
1.0Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD). “Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of Ayungin (Leiopotherapon plumbeus Kner)”. (2012) A 1-4Patent
Document Type Date Action
Description (A1) 2024.09.14
Claims (A1) 2024.09.14
Bibliographic data (A1) 2024.09.14
Abstract (A1) 2024.09.14
Event NameDateStatus